Doug Ingold
Doug Ingold, author of In the Big City, The Henderson Memories, Square and Rosyland grew up in a small central Illinois town near Peoria. As a young man he worked in a variety of interes ng jobs on farms, in factories, hospitals, parking garages, hotels, restaurants, science laboratories, etc. to pay his way through college. He graduated from Southern Illinois University with a major in psychology and a minor in philosophy.
In the mid-six es, he and his first wife were Peace Corps volunteers in the Brazilian State of Bahia. They returned to Illinois and Doug graduated with a J.D. degree from the University of Illinois College of Law in 1969. For the next five years he represented low-income clients with Legal Service Founda on offices first in Chicago and later in Carbondale, Illinois.
In 1974 he and his second wife moved to Northern California. For eleven years they made their home in a small cabin in the woods. They have since lived in several different loca ons in northern California, presently residing in Arcata. Since 1976 Doug has maintained a law prac ce in Garberville. In addi on to In to his books, Doug has wri en a play, Mixed Doubles, and a number of short pieces, both fic on, non-ficion travel pieces, some of which have appeared in literary and local publica ons. He has two children.