Corporal Harry Martin served with the US Marines in China after World War 11 until the Communist takeover in 1949. Harry witnessed China in the raw, and was happy to get back home to Michigan in one piece and return to civilian life. For thirty years he put China out of his mind, until one day when a notorious blackmarketeer, Joe Gionetti, appeared. Joe had been caught and brought to trial. Harry was a key witness that put Joe away. Joe had served his time in prison and refused to disclose where he and his partner had stashed millions away in China. Joe was now terminally ill and he asked Harry to return to Tsingtao to retrieve the money. Could Harry trust Joe? Would the money still be there? How could Harry get back to Tsingtao, not an easy thing to do in 1978? Luck fell Joe’s way when he was offered a position as mate aboard a Swedish grain ship leaving the Great Lakes bound for Shanghai and Tsingtao. Harry took the position and found more adventure than he bargained for, from the very moment he stepped aboard an ill fated ship until he reached Tsingtao where his troubles really began.